Telefonverkauf - Telefontraining - Telephone Sales - Telephone Sales Masterclass


Telefonverkauf - Telefontraining - Telephone Sales - Telephone Sales Masterclass

OEM Office Elearning Menu DE
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🌟Telephone Sales E-Learning Massterclass🌟

This e-learning course is specially designed for people who want to improve their telephone sales skills. The course focuses on developing the knowledge and skills needed to sell effectively and professionally to customers over the phone.


  • Improve your telephone sales skills and increase your sales results.
  • Learn how to effectively identify and address customer needs over the phone.
  • Discover how to build and maintain customer relationships through telephone sales.


  • Deepen your knowledge of telephone sales to better serve and persuade customers.
  • Learn how to communicate effectively over the phone and handle objections…

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Frequently asked questions

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Rabatte und Rabattpreise finden Sie auf der Website des OEM Office Elearning Menu.

🌟Telephone Sales E-Learning Massterclass🌟

This e-learning course is specially designed for people who want to improve their telephone sales skills. The course focuses on developing the knowledge and skills needed to sell effectively and professionally to customers over the phone.


  • Improve your telephone sales skills and increase your sales results.
  • Learn how to effectively identify and address customer needs over the phone.
  • Discover how to build and maintain customer relationships through telephone sales.


  • Deepen your knowledge of telephone sales to better serve and persuade customers.
  • Learn how to communicate effectively over the phone and handle objections.
  • Develop your ability to build and maintain customer relationships through telephone sales so that you can engage more customers.

By taking this telephone sales e-learning course, you will be able to improve your telephone sales skills and increase your sales results. You will learn how to effectively identify and address customer needs over the phone and how to build and maintain customer relationships. By deepening your knowledge of telephone sales, you will be able to better serve and persuade customers and communicate effectively over the phone, even when there are objections. Moreover, developing your ability to build and maintain customer relationships through telephone sales will help you engage more customers.

Course content - Welcome to a world of successful selling, where your unique style and personality make all the difference! Discover sales training that matches who you are. Learn strategies and techniques that harness your natural strengths and qualities so you can maximise your sales potential. This training offers relevant examples, practical exercises and an interactive approach to learn effectively and apply your new skills effortlessly. Prepare yourself for an inspiring journey to sales success, in which you will reach your full potential.

  • The basics:
    • What is selling?
    • 6 guiding principles of selling
    • 10 basic rules of selling
  • New!
    • Strengthen your sales activities with ChatGPT
  • The 8 best selling techniques with examples, practical exercises and advice:
    • Consultative Selling
    • O.R.D.E.R.
    • Upgrade
    • Blackbook
    • Logic selling
    • Salescycle
    • 3 Closingskills
    • O.M.T
  • Additional Sales Techniques:
    • 1 bonus sales technique Upselling
    • 1 bonus sales tchnique Crossselling
    • 1 magic sales technique USP
    • 1 secret sales technique ?
  • 11 scientific topics for salespeople with examples, practical exercises and advice:
    • Intonation
    • Empathy
    • Personalisation
    • Smiling
    • Mindset Focus
    • Fit
    • Power Poses
    • LinkedIn
    • Vocal skill
    • The 4 Disc colours
      • Self-test
      • How to use it with your clients
  • 9 Tips and tricks
    • Increasing the engagement factor
    • Understanding the buying process
    • Preventing problems
    • The importance of empathy
    • FIT
    • B.O.T.
    • Generating leads
    • Effective work attitude
    • Optimising sales calls
    • Customer-oriented after-sales
  • Additional modules
    • Cold Calling
    • Sales Pitch
  • Completion
    • Evaluation
    • Certificate of participation
  • Updates
    • Automatic

Course duration
Boost your career with our e-learning masterclass! 🚀 In just 6 hours, you will gain valuable insights and skills that you can apply immediately. 🎓 Plus, you will benefit from a full year's access to the materials, so you can learn and grow at your pace. 📚 Grab this opportunity and invest in yourself! 💪

Reviews from previous students
Graham Hulsebos' mission is to make his expertise and knowledge accessible to a wider audience, particularly through this e-learning Masterclass. This stems from the fact that previous trainees during classroom and in-company trainings have given an average rating of 9.1 for the experience and quality of the trainings.
With the e-learning Masterclass, Graham Hulsebos aims to offer the same high-quality training courses and experiences inexpensively, but for a much larger and diverse group of people. Through this e-learning Masterclass, he hopes to contribute to the development of individuals and organisations, helping them achieve their goals in an effective and efficient way.

Registration process
After your registration, you will receive an e-mail with login details for the Learning Management System (LMS) of OEM Office Elearning Menu, Graham Hulsebos' other company. In this system, you can access all the necessary materials, videos and additional information related to the E-Learning Masterclass. The beauty of this e-learning is that students can access it via any web browser and also via mobile and the Plusport academy App. So you can get started with the Masterclass anytime and anywhere, at a time that suits you.

Keep an eye on your e-mail for the confirmation with the login details and don't forget to check if the e-mail didn't accidentally end up in your spam or junk folder. If you still cannot find the details, please feel free to contact us.

Certificate of participation
Upon completion of the course, trainees will automatically receive a certificate of participation as proof of their completed training in the Learning Management System (LMS). The certificate can be downloaded and used as valuable evidence of the skills developed, and can be added to CVs and cover letters.

About Graham Hulsebos

Graham Hulsebos: "The Sharpshooter" - Entrepreneur & Advisory Sales Professional

Graham Hulsebos is a successful entrepreneur and consulting sales professional, better known as "The Sharpshooter". In 2015, he founded Graham Hulsebos Sales Training, after years of experience as owner and director of Graham Hulsebos OEM Office Elearning Menu - Learn to Work. This company offers more than 1,000 courses and ICT training from 200+ brands, aimed at both personal and business development. Thanks to his leadership, OEM grew into an international success with 3000+ clients in the Netherlands and 700+ in Germany.

Achievements & Experience

Graham Hulsebos has built an impressive reputation as a sales professional and received several awards and accolades, including:

  • Record monthly sales
  • Member of the Gold Club
  • First Senior and Best Sales titles
  • Named Most Valuable Employee

He owes his nickname "The Sharpshooter" to his unrivalled ability to successfully complete deals and assignments.

Sales training attended by Graham Hulsebos:

  1. SPIN Sales Training
  2. Upgrade Sales Pipeline Management
  3. Money Maker 2 Programme
  4. Sales Professional Assessment Of Knowledge
  5. Management Training Real Problems, Real Solutions
  6. Blackbook Training
  7. Salescycle
  8. Sales Management Training
  9. CRM Specialist Training

Note: Some training courses may only be available for specific companies or organisations.

Philosophy & Approach

Graham believes that success comes from passion for selling and the ability to constantly adapt and learn. He believes that with the right training and perseverance, anyone can master the art of selling and be as successful as he is.

Why choose Graham Hulsebos Sales Training?

  • Proven sales expert to help achieve your sales goals
  • Extensive experience and expertise in sales
  • Learn basic principles, advanced techniques and science-based insights into human behaviour
  • Practical tips and tricks for immediate application in your sales profession
  • Recognised certificate of participation upon completion of the training course

Register today for this valuable training with Graham Hulsebos, the best sales trainer in the Netherlands. We look forward to your participation and wish you much success and pleasure in attending the Masterclass E-Learning with Graham Hulsebos Sales Training.

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