Business case writing


Business case writing

Emphasis Training Limited
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A persuasive, easy-to-follow business case helps you communicate your ideas to decision-makers clearly – which ultimately means more cases getting the thumbs up. That’s why we made this course. It’s designed to help teams who write business cases to internal decision-makers – such as board members, senior managers and department heads. But this isn’t just an off-the-shelf course: we’ll create bespoke materials by working with you and tailoring the learning using real-life examples of your organisation’s documents. A key feature of this course is that all delegates receive our unique pre-course writing analysis. This covers 15 different areas of writing skills and helps us ensure the training…

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A persuasive, easy-to-follow business case helps you communicate your ideas to decision-makers clearly – which ultimately means more cases getting the thumbs up. That’s why we made this course. It’s designed to help teams who write business cases to internal decision-makers – such as board members, senior managers and department heads. But this isn’t just an off-the-shelf course: we’ll create bespoke materials by working with you and tailoring the learning using real-life examples of your organisation’s documents. A key feature of this course is that all delegates receive our unique pre-course writing analysis. This covers 15 different areas of writing skills and helps us ensure the training meets the delegates’ precise writing needs, while ensuring delegates make rapid, targeted improvements. We can run this course remotely online or in person at your workplace or choice of venue. By the end of the training, attendees will be able to: • construct a powerful argument that puts forward the very strongest case for their idea • leave decision-makers in no doubt about why the case deserves their full attention • effectively promote the benefits of their project, leaving no key arguments out • create reader-centred proposals and business cases • write confidently and clearly, so their message is not lost in needlessly elaborate or technical language • use correct grammar and punctuation • leave a positive final impression.

Emphasis have been training companies and individuals in how to make their writing work for 26 years. We're already the UK’s number-one provider of business-writing training. And we’re on our way to becoming one of the world’s leading communications learning specialists.

Since we started out in 1998, we’ve helped more than 80,000 people from over 1,000 blue-chip companies, government departments, consultancies, law firms, universities, charities, accountancy firms, pharmaceutical companies and construction firms – in fact, anywhere where effective communication plays a key role.

We're specialists in communications and business-writing training. It's what we do and what we love – from improving an individual’s presentation or writing skills to transforming the communications of your entire organisation.

All our trainers and business-writing consultants have a strong background in professional writing and communications – just as many of our office staff do. 

We're English-language teachers, journalists, publishers, writers and editors. Our backgrounds give us the depth of knowledge to tackle even the most complex writing and communication challenges.

We've built our reputation on providing high-quality, high-impact business-writing courses for companies and individuals, both through live courses and online. In response to demand from our clients, we now offer a wider portfolio of communications learning and consultancy services, such as our unique presentation-skills training.

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